Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I've never truly identified with his definition until just recently.
So I'm staying in again tonight. I feel like I've become so anti-social lately. I keep saying that but won't do anything to fix it. Life just gets soooooo overwhelming sometimes. I feel like I have alot going on right now, and when I feel like the world is spinning too fast, I have a tendency to shy away from everyone. I guess I'm a loner in that way.
I feel like I need a change. A big one. Im trying to figure out what exactly that all entails. It's like I want a whole new start. New people, new places, the whole nine yards. I've just been waiting for decisions I've made in life to fall into the "absolutely worth it" category, and I can't say many have. When I was a kid I used to have this built in feeling about the future, that I would have life all figured out when I was all done with school and in the "real world." It was so awesome to be clueless back then.
And my dreams have become so vivid, and it's the bridge dreams that have started coming back. I know, me and dreams.... But I just find the subconscious mind so intriguing. I like when people say, "let me sleep on it." I get that. So if you are wondering what's going on with me lately, thats pretty much it.
So Kelsey and I were riding down some road in Denham yesterday. Quote of the day, "This is a really scary road. There's too many redneck things going on all at once." Sometimes it's so true here. People are funny.
I'm really not trying to sound like such a grinch, but I'm ready for Christmas to be over already. I can't enjoy life working all the time like I've been! I really hate growing up. It's one of my fears for some reason. Well that and ducks. And if you know me, you know me and my strange fear of ducks and large birds...haha!
Something completely unrelated...I just got Kevin Drews' album, Spirit If. OMG Amazing! I hadn't heard it in its entirety before now, but I'm impressed :)
This makes me happy.....

Cancer: Daily Horoscope
You can depend on the people around you, so throw all of your doubt out the window.
Stress is peaking now -- but that means it should start to decline soon! If things aren't going smoothly, just shrug your shoulders and write it off. Everything should feel a lot better soon!
Well little blog, that's it for tonight. Goodnight......
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